RockScript Documentation
Introduction Why and when How does it work Project status Getting started Command line interface Tutorial Language Script versioning License Roadmap Help Services HTTP service API Commands Deploy script Start script Queries Script execution Service SPI End function



Your first script

This is the script we’re going to execute.

var http = system.import('');

var response = http.get({url:''});

var joke = response.body.value.joke;

The script is available at docs/examples/chuck/

The joke service

http.get(...); in line 4 will perform a HTTP request and makes a HTTP response object available in the script. For this particular URL, the response object looks like this:

{ "status": 200,
  "headers": { 
    "Transfer-Encoding": ["chunked"],
    "other": "irrelevant properties"
  "body": {
    "type": "success",
    "value": {
      "joke":"...a Chuck Norris joke...",
      "other": "irrelevant properties"

Deploy the script

When we deploy the script to the server, we

For more about deployment and versioning, see Script versioning

Deploy using the rock command

To deploy this script to your local running RockScript engine, Type

rock deploy docs/examples/chuck/

You should get output like

$  rock deploy docs/examples/chuck/
  Scanning directory /Code/rockscript/docs/examples/chuck (not recursive) for files matching .*\.rs(t)?
  Deploying docs/examples/chuck/ to http://localhost:3652 ...
  > POST http://localhost:3652/command
    Content-Type: application/json
      "deployScript": {
        "scriptName": "docs/examples/chuck/",
        "scriptText": "var http \u003d system.import(\\u0027);\n\nvar response \u003d http.get({url:\...
  < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "id": "sv1",
      "scriptId": "s1",
      "name": "docs/examples/chuck/",
      "version": 1,
      "text": "var http \u003d system.import(\\u0027);\n\nvar response \u003d http.get({url:\u0027htt...
      "active": true
  1 scripts successful deployed

If you want to see all the options for the deploy command, type

rock help deploy

Deploy using only bash

Paste this into the command line to save your first script version

$ curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "{\"deployScript\":{ \
    \"scriptName\": \"\", \
    \"scriptText\": \"var http = system.import('\/http');\r\n\r\nvar response = http.get({url:'http:\/\/\/jokes\/random'});\r\n\r\nvar joke = response.body.value.joke;\" \
  }}" \

You should see a response like this:

  "id": "sv1",
  "scriptId": "s1",
  "name": "",
  "version": 1,
  "text": "var http \u003d system.import(\\u0027);\r\n\r\nvar response \u003d http.get({url:\u0027\u0027});\r\n\r\nvar joke \u003d response.body.value.joke;",
  "active": true

Starting the script

When starting an execution of the script, we’ll identify the script by name. In this case, that’s

Start script using rock

rock start -n

If you want to see more options for the start command, type

rock help start

Start script using only bash

curl -v -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
     -d "{\"startScript\":{\"scriptName\":\"\"}}" \

Then congrats! You started your first RockScript.

Querying your script execution

Of course, now you want to see what the server has done. Let’s query the script execution details, including all the events that the server has stored.

curl http://localhost:3652/query?q=execution\&id=se1

Next, check out the language details and become a RockScript wizard.