RockScript Documentation
Introduction Why and when How does it work Project status Getting started Command line interface Tutorial Language Script versioning License Roadmap Help Services HTTP service API Commands Deploy script Start script Queries Script execution Service SPI End function


tl;dr :

./ installs rock in /usr/local/bin,
Then type rock+Enter to as the command line tool.

The details:

After you built the project with

mvn -Pizza clean install

like explained in Getting started, the command line client is available in the executable jar file rockscript-cli/target/rockscript-cli.jar.

The most basic way to use the command line client is the command

java -jar rockscript-cli/target/rockscript-cli.jar [command-line-args]

But it’s much cooler to create a short command for this. Use the ./ to create a rock executable script in /usr/local/bin/rock. That will reduce the command line usage to

rock [command-line-args]

On Mac OS X, you can use the script ./ to create the rock executable bash script in /usr/local/bin/rock.

On Linux or Unix, let me know if the above procedure works or if you prefer a different way of installing.

On Windows, create a rock.bat file in any directory specified in your %path% environment variable. And put this content in the rock.bat

@echo off
java -jar rockscript-cli/target/rockscript-cli.jar %*

To get an overview of all the commands, just type rock <Enter>

$ rock 
Usage: rock [command] [command options]

rock help [command]          | Shows help on a particular command
rock ping [ping options]     | Test the connection with the server
rock deploy [deploy options] | Deploy script files to the server
rock start [start options]   | Starts a new script execution
rock end [end options]       | Ends a waiting service function invocation
rock test [test options]     | Runs tests
rock                         | Shows this help message

To get help on a specific command, type rock help <command> Eg

$ rock help deploy
rock deploy : Deploys script files to the server

usage: rock deploy [deploy options] [file or directory]
 -n <arg>   Script file name pattern used for scanning a directory.
            Default is *.rs  Ignored if a file is specified. See also
 -q         Quiet.  Don't show the HTTP requests to the server.
 -r         Scan directory recursive. Default is not recursive. Ignored if
            specified with a file.
 -s         The server URL.  Default value is http://localhost:3652

  rock deploy -r .
Deploys all files ending with extension .rs or .rst 
located in the current directory or one of it's nested