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HTTP service

The HTTP service provides functions get, post, put and delete. The service is a built-in service and can be imported with url


Performs a HTTP get request.


var http = system.import('');

var servicePort = 9898;
var response = http.get({
  url: 'http://localhost:' + servicePort + '/?p1=v1&p2=v2',
  headers: {
    Header-One: 'singlevalue'
    Header-Two: ['array', 'value']

Input parameters

As input, this service function expects exactly 1 parameter which must be a JSON object. The following properties can be specified:

Property name Required? Description
url Required The full url including the protocol up to the query parameters
headers Optional A JSON object where the property names are the header names. The value can be a string or an array of strings. (Note that array literals are not yet supported)

A body is not supported in the get service function.

Return value

A response object looks like this

{ status: 200, 
  headers: {
    Date: "Thu, 30 Nov 2017 14:48:30 GMT", 
    Content-Type: "application/json" 
  body: {
    some: "JSON"

If the Content-Type is application/json, then the body is parsed as such and made available as an object so that it can be navigated.


A request failes when no connection could be established or when the connection gets terminated prematurely.

By default, an unexpected response status is not a failure.
If you want to non-expected response status messages to be considered as a failure, specify the property expectedStatus in the request like this

var http = system.import('');

var response = http.get({
  url: 'http://...',
  expectedStatus: 200

This request will now fail if the response status is not 200.


In case of a failure, the default is to retry 3 times with incremental backoff. You can customize the retry policy. Please ask for details how to do that in a Github issue.


Same as for service function get, except for the body property.
In a post, you can specify a body.


var http = system.import('');

var response ={
  url: 'http://localhost/orders',
  headers: {
    Content-Type: application/json
  body: {
    item: 'Donut',
    amount: 6


Same as post (with body property)


Same as get (without body property)